Does the heart pump to all of our cells, the trillions of them?
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Why does your heart beat faster when you exercise?
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Say I was looking for a job involving science. Tell me why your job is important, any important details, why should I
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Is the septum in the heart the same as the septum in the nose?
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is some of the universe ant matter
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Why is science split into biology, chemistry and physics and not just science?
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When you were studying, why did you want to be a scientist?
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Why do cancer cells multiply so much faster than other cells?
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How do stars appear in the night sky? What is the use of stars?
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which non metal remains liquid at room temperature
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where did you injoy the most aroud europe lik where was the best place in eurpoe
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What is the largest Star that we have discovered?
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What is quantum physics?
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How many atoms are part of our body(Roughly)?
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Who was the first proper scientist?
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In the movie inside out is it true there are feelings in your brain controlling your life
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if you go for a run, do you burn more calories running on a treadmill for an hour or running round a village for an
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Why do rainbows appear to be in an arc?
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Are we ever going to use robots as an antibacteria?
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How many moons are there in total in the milky way?
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Can we ever live on mars?
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what is hawking radiation
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Do any of you like I am a Celebrity get me out of here?
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how do you study the mice?
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how long does it take to get a vet degree?
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How does the heart work?
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why do some cells age quicker than others?
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What is the average age, you start speaking?
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What would we use the stem cells for later on even if you don’t know what would happen if we did use them?
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Is there ever going to be a volcano in the United Kingdom
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why do metals exchange electrons in the way that they do?
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Is diamonds compressed carboite
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What fruit do fruit bats eat?
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what happens if the earth stops spinning?
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how thin are your eyeball viens
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what do you mean by bits and bobs
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What would happen if a skyscraper was made of tin foil?
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what metal is the iffel tower made of
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What will happen if a person gets a piece of metal in them?
If they did, how would they get it in them?
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If they did, how would they get it in them? )
Do twins have the same DNA?
If so how would you tell if they did something wrong?
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If so how would you tell if they did something wrong? )
how long does it take for out brains to remember a piecxe of information
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what causes allergic reactions?
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how many cells in the human body?
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do you have any tips to stay healthy??
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is it possible for a human to walk through another human
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Does lifting weights stop your growth?
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Why is the sea blue and does it effect the colour of the sky?
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How close to a black hole do you have to be to suffer the effects of one?
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Why do we change the clocks?
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what is your funniest moment in science?
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