Funders, can you support I’m a Scientist 

I’m a Scientist is getting even better for teachers and students 

From January 2024, teachers and students will be able to connect with working STEM professionals at any time across the school year, on a theme of their choosing.

Teachers can choose a theme at the time that is relevant to their teaching – when students study genetics in October, teachers can request a Chat with geneticists and technicians in October.

Taking part in the I’m a… enrichment programme will improve STEM professionals from your organisation, communication skills and build their confidence in public engagement.

Develop a culture of public engagement

A photo of a scientists looking at a laptop

Participants will also be supported by the I’m a… Academy. The Academy provides them with more opportunities to develop their understanding of important principles such as purpose, audience needs and appropriate engagement methods.

The text-based platform gives every student an equal voice, from the most confident to the most shy, and its UK-wide accessibility means it engages the students that are often left underserved.

Actively engages 89% of students

I’m a Scientist is effective in supporting students’ science capital. The I’m a Scientist project has been robustly evaluated and found to support students’ science capital by means of the Science Capital Teaching Approach (SCTA). But don’t just take our word for it…

The format of the activity – real-time conversations with scientists and in-depth follow-up questions answered personally – means that I’m a Scientist supports pillar one of the SCTA, while also protecting and safeguarding students through anonymity. 

A screenshot of the I'm a Scientist text based live chat, where students are talking to scientists, asking them a variety of questions

During the activity, students are encouraged to ask the questions that matter to them and the responses they receive from scientists show that their opinions and experiences are valued. The activity’s theme invites conversation that is linked to the students’ current learning, supporting pillar two of the SCTA.

The report also concluded that I’m a Scientist supports students in meeting four of the science capital ‘dimensions’, pillar three of the SCTA.

How to get involved in I’m a… 

You can guarantee places for your members or employees in I’m a Scientist and the supporting Academy. 

Provide annual capacity from £3,000 for 10 places or promote a particular special event such as an Awareness Week from £2,000. Bespoke funding packages are available – please get in touch to find out how we can best support your requirements.

Graphic of network, showing multiple connections from one user

To find out more about funding or to get an estimate for something more tailored contact or call 01225 667922.

Posted on September 28, 2023 by modemily in Project News. Comments Off on Funders, can you support I’m a Scientist